Veiss Fatebreaker

<<Living Memory>>

They/ Them // Raen Au Ra // 💖💜💙 // WHM/WARArt by @oftheholybooty

A Veiss Bean, art by @kriscroix !
Veiss being very cute and playing with their horn. Art done by @oftheholybooty!


A Warrior of Light, first recruited to the Scions for their impressive handle on white magic, and later for their durability in combat. Veiss has been brought down in many battles, but has always stood back up again; stitching their wounds together with lilies made of light and the incapability to stay down. Their persistence is their greatest strength and most terrible curse.They are extremely reclusive and rarely seen outside of when fate calls upon them to act; a cruel twist of irony considering their surname and title that was given to them for being able to break the fate of others, for it seems they cannot escape their own.

Sincere • Stubborn • Selfless


Name: Veiss'a Keshura
Alias: Veiss Fatebreaker, Veiss, or simply WoL.
Age: 22 (End of ARR) / 29 (End of EW)
Height: 7'8"
Race: Raen Au Ra
Pronouns: They/Them
Gender/Orientation: Nonbinary/Bi
Job: "Inheritor" (White Mage/ Warrior fusion)
Occupation: The Scion's Favorite Weapon Field Medic, Adventurer, Traveler, Tailor (on occassion), but mostly and primarily the Warrior of Light and all the responsibility and public performance that such a role requires.
Notable Features: Veiss is visibly barely holding it together against aetherial light corruption, so cracks of light litter their scales, and light fills their pupils. Their scales sprawl much more of their body than what is usual for an au ra, and are significantly harder and less pliable than what is normal. They shed scales occasionally, which once detached become almost like pieces of porcelain.Their aether is trapped in a vicious cycle of corruption and mending that cannot be stopped. Due to the events of Shadowbringers, Veiss is a fusion job between White Mage and Warrior; making it so while their wounds and aether will heal and mend itself, the light that viciously balances inside of them forms and tears apart with the dangerous force of a Lightwarden remains ever present, ever regenerative. To see their aether is to see a monstrous, roiling storm.

Personality: An auri of very few words, Veiss is quiet and fairly reserved. While they are good-natured and cordial with most they are noticeably emotionally distant. Often keeping others at arm's length, it is somewhat difficult to close the distance with them. However, if you manage to, Veiss is a loyal and steadfast friend, painfully dense and even a bit clumsy, a far cry from the poised and stoic warrior of light. Because they have such few close friends they are fiercely protective of them, and are far too willing to self-sacrifice. They will hold whatever weight, whatever burden, alone, to spare others the trouble. And regardless of the cost, they will do it again and again.Veiss holds themselves to incredibly high standards, and is known for faltering when they do not reach these expectations. Either through isolation or flinging themselves into dangerous situations. While they tend to keep nearly everything to themselves, their limits are not boundless. Still, they do their best to keep in control; through whatever means they can enact. They are very afraid of feeling any sort of extremes, either happy or sad.They do not speak often, and generally prefer nonverbal communication, but will speak for the comfort of others. However, with those they are closest with, they will sign. There is no medical reason for this, they simply prefer not speaking aloud. Although, examined too closely this behavior likely stems from their desire to not draw attention to themselves, an attempt to keep themselves as small as possible as they are loathed to take up space or have attention drawn to them. For this reason, they are extremely reclusive and rarely seen out and about. Their features are too obvious, their presence too immense to ignore.Before they were riddled with veins of light, Veiss was an open, friendlier sort with less of a guarded exterior. It was easier for them to slip away from the responsibilities of the WoL and be just another face in the crowd. To live a life separately and have an outlet for the feelings they bury deep. Now, they are looked at, they are known, and they can see how differently they are perceived by others and it kills them inside. So they avoid it all together, as much as they can. They long for anonymity and acceptance, but are now all too aware of the light the leaks from their wounds and the cracks in their scales which widen ever so slightly with time.


Pre MSQ --> ARR

The circumstances of Veiss's origins are a little bit difficult to discuss concisely. Their parents hail from Doma, where they were forced to flee from the Garlemald occupation. Technically, Veiss was born in Coerthas, delivered to frostbitten hands that would not survive the journey across the bitter cold. With the fear of dragons so potent at the time, this is not an uncommon story for many auri. Their parents were felled before they could make it to Gridania. By a stroke of luck, or perhaps fate a pair of woodwailers patrolling North Shroud found the freezing babe in the snow.
Sahja and Nhago Keshura are Moon Keeper miqo'te, who until they were saddled with a baby were in a will they wont they situationship, that will have to be addressed at another time. What is important to point out, is that the miqo couple took pity on the baby they found in the snow, and promised the frozen arms that had protected the child that they would look after them in their stead. The question was, of course, how they might achieve that. Sahja looked at the auri babe, noticing their tiny horns and decided, they would simply pass off the child as a padjali. Auri were a rare sight in Gridania and she doubted with the dragon war that Veiss would be accepted otherwise. So they would rely on ignorance, and figure it out from there.Of course, such a facade could not be pulled off without help. When Veiss was old enough, they were often seen at the conjurer's guild, a place their mothers spent a fair amount of time in, recovering their wounds and seeking help from the conjurers when they fell ill. Overtime, E-Sumi-Yan would form a fatherly bond with Veiss, knowing that they were not padjali but shielding them from scrutiny all the same. Atleast until it was impossible to keep up the deception any longer. But with time, came change, and with change came a modicum of acceptance within the Gridanian people. And it of course helped that most people in the shroud would be familiar with the prodigious talents of the ex-padjali conjurer that they had known as a child.---->>(ARR)
Veiss had barely reached early adulthood by the time they were recruited by the Scions. They were young, too young to participate in war, but their skill in white magic was sorely needed. They did not excel in combat, so they were often behind the frontlines, tending to the wounded. It was here that they earned their title "Fatebreaker", able to pull people back from the brink of death when it seemed as though it was hopeless. However, they soon felt this was not enough, that they could not enact any real change without being on the battlefield.
And so, they stumbled and fell into the dirt. Cutting their teeth in lessons on combat, and the fundamentals of war. As a field medic and a white mage they soon learned the necessity to not only tend to others, but to protect themselves. By the end of ARR the Scions had successfully forged a sharpened edge to their new recruit, which would only hone itself overtime.

The details of Veiss's dealings in the expansion packs after ARR are long and mostly follow canonical events outlined by the game. For this page, I mainly wanted to only write what I thought would give a good foundation for who they are and where they came from. Though Veiss is very different from who they were in ARR versus now, in EW, this gives a good enough picture.

Alternate Universes I

Non-WoL Veiss

For the most part, non-WoL Veiss acts much the same. There are however a few key differences to be noted:>> As a non-WoL Veiss joins as only a White Mage with limited combat prowess but vast knowledge on both medical sciences and conjuration magicks.
>> While recruited to the scions at a young age, they are relatively distant with the others as they are often deep in research, working on their own academic studies to become an Archon.
>> This does not mean they are not friendly, they are just often busy and need to be pulled out of their cave to socialize.
>> They are still blessed with the Echo, though diminished.
>> They are generally absent throughout Heavensward, but insist on accompanying the Warrior of Light in their journeys through Stormblood to visit the homeland they never got to see.
>> Without the Blessing of Light, Veiss succumbs to aetherial corruption in Shadowbringers if only for their insistence on researching a way to reverse the sin eater transformations.
>> In turn, they can reach their Bad End, and become a Lightwarden that will need to be struck down in order to reach Vauthry, in place of Forgiven Obscenity on Mt. Gulg.
>> It is possible for them to survive this encounter and be brought back to a recovery point much like their WoL counterpart if the scions efficiently use Veiss's own research on aetherial balancing.
>> Unfortunately, this leaves them in a permeant half-corrupted state. Even when returned to their body, the effects of their poorly balanced aether are physically manifested nearly the moment of return.
>> From this point, Veiss is rarely seen outside of when they are called to act; but will travel with their WoL, heavily shrouded in robes, and will offer their perspective and advice when asked. They are an all-arounder in duties, becoming a WHM/RPR combo, titled "Forgiven Nobility".
>> In EW, they earn their archon mark with their research on aetherial balancing and more or less fulfill the same purpose as Allisae in finding a way to cure tempered, but Veiss's research is more focused on the more extreme cases and treatment of aether poisoning, understandably.

Alternate Universes II

The Knight, Sinner

This is an extremely niche AU, where certain events occur which prompts Veiss to leave the Source to live out the rest of their days on the 13th.>> A Warrior only, Veiss gives up their identity to become essentially a hunter, as what could be better at hunting void sent than a sin eater. Though I show them without their helm here, they are almost always wearing something that shrouds their face.
>> They do not introduce themselves and often will appear where strong voidsent do. When asked, they simply say, "I'm just another sinner." This is always the answer, and so they become known as the sinner, and later just Sinner.
>> Sinner is perceived as a man most of the time, they accept He/They out of convenience. They will also often refer to themselves as a "man", for ease.
>> Although they are not a memoriate, they can eat aether, and they can eat enough that a void sent cannot come back. Thanks to the immense amount of light aether they house, darkness is neutralized on contact.
>> Sinner takes up residence in an abandoned castle, and takes in those without shelter. Though they do not have a domain it might as well be their territory.
>> Zero and Durante are mostly in charge of the efforts to bring the 13th back from the brink, and Sinner is just a secondary party who is helping incidentally. Their purview is just clearing out the malicious void sent, which they are quite good at.
>> Sinner lives on the 13th for decades, ages. Many, many years. Their light aether keeps them static, but it is ever so slowly being balanced by the heavily dark aspected world they reside on. Eventually the light fades from their scales, and they fade and pale into grey.
>> Eventually Sinner becomes a pillar in the community they unwillingly tend to. Generations pass them by, and they help where they can. The children call them Si-si, and they somehow have a staff in what used to be a derelict castle. It is a place filled with life, centered around a man who believes he is dead.
>> It is not unlike the Crystal Exarch and the Crystarium, if not a much smaller version that is barely getting on its feet.
>> They eventually will die on the 13th. After atleast a century, maybe a few decades more than that.


Ex-Botonist: After Shadowbringers, Veiss puts down their hobby of botany. While their home is littered with plants they no longer actively research it, however they still hold interest in the subject and will happily look at any samples, flowers, diagrams brought to them.
Sin Eater Adjacent: It is painfully easy to tell Veiss's condition if the observer is even vaguely familiar with aetherial corruption. However, approaching Veiss from this avenue is...not recommended. They dont like to talk about their condition, much less explain it. To those who know them already, it is simply something everyone in the room is aware of, but no one talks about.
Adventuring Mentor: Veiss is not usually seen in the mundane capacity, but is often seen delving the depths of dungeons, or plainly adventuring. They are happy to help, and happier to keep themselves busy and away from the city where things are too still for them.
Monster Hunter: Due to their nature, Veiss must consume immense amounts of aether. In order to sate themselves they hunt any manner of monster or dangerous quarry. However, because they must feed off of their prey they are somewhat competitive when it comes to hunting down marks. They really dont like witnesses to what they consider to be extremely shameful, but necessary.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier: When they are forced to stay in the city for any reason, they are sometimes spotted mending armor, hemming pants, and generally repairing other adventurer's gear, often for free.
Gridanian Connections: Veiss was well known throughout the shroud for their prolific skills in conjuration, due to their connections with the conjurer's guild. Some may be aware of the scandal involving their mother passing them off as a padjali for a time.


cogs | they/them | 30 | asian-american

Hey there, I'm just a enby being cringe on main. I'm a savage raiderâ„¢ and a baby gposer, I love doing the content, I like to hit the buttons!
If you happen to spot me ingame please do not be afraid to emote at me :)c
In regards to RP: I am both extremely anxious and shy, and so I do not really RP in-game. I do not know the etiquette expected, and I take a very long time to type anything, so I generally stick to observing during large events. I am open to trying to RP in more private settings, but we have to know eachother first, sorry! I am filled with fear.